Air pollution and cancer biology
Air pollution, biology, cancer, lung cancer, particulate matterAbstract
The development of an urban city is primarily influenced by three major trends: industrialization, urbanization, and rapid socioeconomic advancement. The slow degradation of the environment that results from these activities is caused by an increase in harmful pollutants, the effects of which will become apparent in the not-too-distant future in the form of a number of natural disasters, diseases, and ecological repercussions. The main criteria of urban health in terms of delivering multiple benefits to the surrounding biota are various urban ecosystems, such as urban forestry, wetland, grassland, parks/gardens, and so on and so forth. However, these regulatory systems have been hit hard by a variety of industrial pollution stresses, which has led to a decline in both their physicochemical quality and their biotic diversity. On the other hand, there has been discussion regarding the impact that air pollution has on human and animal populations in terms of a variety of diseases, such as bronchitis, cardiopulmonary arrest, cancer, liver dysfunction, and kidney dysfunction. Since it raises people's susceptibility to a wide range of illnesses, including cancer, air pollution has emerged as a major worldwide concern to human health. In the modern world, air pollution is caused by a wide variety of enterprises, some of which include petrochemical companies, chemical factories, fertilizer units, and metallurgical installations. In addition to the manufacturing sector, the primary contributors to air pollution include a few distinct kinds of power plants, automobiles, trains, airports, and combustion engines. The link between air pollution, particulate matter and air pollution, and DNA methylation, with a particular focus on lung cancer, was looked into in this study.
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